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6. Example of M30S+ V70 miner 25% overclocking

Step 1: Taking readings of the miner in stock and the voltage of the main power supply

  • Vstatus in stock = 14,12 v
  • Frequency in stock = 426
  • Vmain in stock = 13,83

Step 2. Calculating and setting the new values.

  • Target Frequency = 426* (25 + 100) / 100 ~= 533
  • Target Voltage =  1412* (25 / 5 + 100) / 100 ~= 1483
  • Minimum Voltage = 1483- 50 ~= 1433
  • Maximum Voltage = 1483 + 50 ~=1533
  • PSU Power Limit = 3900
  • PSU Power Max = 3900 + 200 ~= 4100  
  • Vpsu_add = 13,83 * (25/5 +100) / 100 = 14,52  

On the Overclock tab, setting the necessary values and the voltage of the additional power supply

Step 3. Turning on the miner, waiting for the autotune to finish and measuring Vmain (14.73 V) and Vpsu_add (14.36 V) again

Step 4.Setting the voltage of 14.73 V on the additional power supply ( same as on the main power supply)

Restarting the miner and waiting it to enter the operating mode:

The presence of 901 - Power rate error is normal when an additional power supply is connected.

Final voltages:

Final result - 138.57 Th - higher than initially expected 25% overclocking in these conditions.