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  • Target Frequency
    The desired average frequency of chips on the boards, which the miner will strive for during the auto-tuning process.
  • Target Voltage
    The desired voltage applied to the boards, which the miner strives for during the auto-tuning process.
  • Minimum Voltage
    The minimum voltage that the miner will apply to the boards during auto-tuning.
  • Maximum Voltage
    The maximum voltage that the miner will apply to the boards during auto-tuning.
  • Target Board Temp
    It is not recommended to change. The temperature of the board that the miner is guided by during auto-tuning and operation. If it is impossible to keep the temperature to the specified value, the miner will allow a deviation to the maximum possible (85), after which it will reduce the frequency of the chips and, accordingly, the hashrate.
  • Chip Ok Percent
    It is not recommended to change.
  • PSU Power Limit
    The power consumption in watts that the miner will strive for. May exceed the specified value during operation, but not more than PSU Power Max. Recommended value - 100-200 watts less than PSU Power Max, but not more than 3800-3900 watts.
  • PSU Power Max
    Maximum allowable power consumption. If this value is exceeded, the Miner will generate an error. The recommended value is no more than the declared power of the miner's power supply. As a rule it is 3900-4000 W.
  • PSU Power Rate
    It is not recommended to change.

In the columns on the right, you can see a hint for the selected preset in the form

Default - the default value
Min - the minimum possibleЁ
Max - the maximum possible value in the field.

During overclocking, you need to monitor the temperature of the chips (not to be confused with the temperature of the boards, which is displayed in the web interface in the column Temperature)

This temperature can be seen in the ChipTemp column of the utility WhatsMinerTool:

In the utility settings, you must first set the List Column Display Mode parameter to “Complete Mode”, otherwise the ChipTemp column will not be displayed.


Deciphering the value of the line “93.81_70.75_83.58”: maximum (93.81), minimum (“70.75”) and average (83.58) temperature of miner chips.

The permissible operating temperature limit for chips by the manufacturer is individual for different models of the miner (see Appendix 2)., when it is exceeded, the miner reduces the frequency of the chips. Despite the fact that the temperature is considered acceptable, it is not recommended to operate the miner under such conditions in order to avoid malfunctions.