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  • Set PSU Power Max to the maximum power limit of the block, no more than 3900-4000W
  • Set the PSU Power Limit to “safe” power available for long-term operation, but not more than 3800-3900W. It is highly recommended not to exceed the factory limit.
  • The difference between PSU Power Max and PSU Power Limit must be at least 200W.
  • Set approximate Target Frequency and Target Voltage. You need to focus on stock values.
  • Set Minimum Voltage and Maximum Voltage within -50 and +50 of the desired Target Voltage.

In the process of auto-tuning, the miner will select the optimal mode of operation.

You can also set the same required, minimum and maximum voltage (for example, 1430 / 1430 / 1430). In this case, the Miner will not pick up the voltage and the auto-tuning time will be reduced. However, it is recommended to “give freedom” to the miner.

During overclocking, you can use reference formulas:

  • Target Frequency = F_Target_Normal * ( Percent + 100) / 100
  • PSU Power Limit = P_Limit_Normal * ( Percent + 100) / 100
  • Target Voltage = V_Target_Normal  * ( Percent / 5.0 + 100) / 100

F_Target_Normal , P_Limit_Normal , V_Target_Normal: basic (initial or “stock”) values of the desired frequency, power and voltage. 

Percent: overclock percentage.


Base (stock) values of this miner:

F_Target_Normal = 853

P_Limit_Normal = 3600

V_Target_Normal = 1380 


  • Target Frequency = 853 * ( 4,3 + 100) / 100 ~= 890
  • PSU Power Limit = 3600 * ( 4,3+ 100) / 100 ~= 3755
  • Target Voltage = 1380  * ( 4,3 / 5.0 + 100) / 100 ~= 1392
  • Minimum Voltage = 1392 - 100 ~= 1300
  • Maximum Voltage = 1392 + 100 ~= 1500
  • PSU Power Max = 3755 + 100 ~= 3850