What material are BiXBiT immersion systems made of?The equipment is made of polymer-coated steel with a thickness of at least 1.5 mm. This distinguishes our solution from the main competitors who use mainly plastic pipes and horizontal placement of mining equipment.
How do I connect the equipment to the heating system?There is no universal solution, as each boiler room has its own nuances depending on the installed equipment and automation. BiXBiT immersion equipment can be integrated into any heating system with the following temperature ranges — supply up to 55 degrees, return not more than 40 degrees. If water temperatures above 55 degrees are required, additional heating must be provided from alternative heat sources. When integrating the immersion system, standard components applied in heating and water supply systems are used.
We recommend that you contact the professionals who handle your heating system, show them the hydraulic diagram of the equipment and the temperature ranges in which the immersion system should operate, thereafter give them the task of combining it with your heating system. -
Is water leakage possible and if so, can it damage the equipment in the cells?The probability of leaks in the finished product is reduced to zero, as all equipment is leak tested before packaging and shipment. During transportation, some connection elements may be loosened. Therefore, to prevent the immersion oil from mixing with the external cooling circuit fluid, first check all connections and fill the cooling (external) circuit. Then make sure that there are no leaks in the cooling circuit connections and tighten them if necessary. Only then proceed to fill the miner cells with dielectric immersion oil.
How many miners can fit into the BiXBiT immersion system?Our product line includes:
1) BiXBiT Cell with up to 6 ASIC or 24 graphics cards. The heat sink capacity is up to 30 kW.
2) BiXBiT Rack based on 4 vertically arranged BiXBiT Cells with up to 24 ASIC or 96 video cards. The heat sink capacity is up to 120 kW.
3) BiXBiT Immersion Containers of 20-40 feet with up to 288 ASIC or more than 1100 video cards.
You can find the specification of each product on the "Products" page. -
What are the dimensions of BiXBiT immersion systems?Please refer to the specification of a particular product on the "Products" page.
One square meter in the room is sufficient to fit a BiXBiT Cell or Rack. The ceiling height for the Rack should be at least 2.8m for comfortable maintenance. -
Is there a possibility of miners not fitting in the Cell?BiXBiT immersion systems are designed to match the dimensions specified by miner manufacturers. Antminer S9 / S17 / S19 as well as Whatsminer M2XS / M3XS / M5XS , as well as similarly sized other ASIC miners will fit into BiXBiT Cell. This is also possible for 3070/3080/3090 graphics card models
P.S. Whatsminer ASICs may differ in actual length from the information on the official website of the manufacturer. In our systems we focus on the maximum length of 430 mm for ASIC miner with fans. -
What is the power consumption of an immersion system aside from the miners?The immersion system configuration may vary. The primary power consuming unit in the cells is the pump, the consumption of which is ranging from 160 to 230 watts (from 640 to 920 watts per Rack). Another power consuming element is a cooling tower, which performs cooling of the external circuit and comes with most configurations. The hydraulic unit of the cooling tower is equipped with its own pump with constant power consumption. A cooling tower may have up to 3 fans. The consumption of each depends on its rotation speed, which is determined by the ambient temperature. Example: The cooling tower for cooling the external circuit of the 30 kW Cell consumes up to 1.5 kW at its peak. For the 120 kW Rack it is up to 4 kW at peak.
Is it necessary to change the thermal paste in miners before immersing them?From our experience, if you immerse miners of a well-known manufacturer, there is no need to change the thermal paste. You can remove the excess squeezed out by the heatsink, but this is not really necessary. However, if you are not certain about the quality of the thermal paste on the chips, it is better to replace it with a high-quality one. We can recommend Cooler Master Mastergel Maker with thermal conductivity of 11 W/(m*K). If you can't find one with thermal conductivity of 11 W/(m*K), it is recommended to choose one with an index not lower than 8.
What actions need to be done before immersing a miner into liquid?It is necessary to thoroughly clean the mining equipment from dust, dismantle fans, remove stickers and replace thermal paste on chips if you are not sure of its quality. In addition, you need to install software (firmware) and put the miner in immersion mode. If you do not have firmware for the miner, you can use fan signal emulators. It is recommended to purchase them before buying an immersion cooling system.
How to return the miner to air-cooled operation after running it in an immersion environment?To clean the equipment from immersion fluid, you can use 99% isopropyl alcohol, which is a degreasing agent for electrical appliances. It is necessary to dip the equipment in the fluid, rinse, then dry it. You can also use an ultrasonic bath to clean your devices.
What electrical requirements must be met at the site for connecting BiXBiT immersion equipment?Since the power levels at which BiXBiT immersion systems operate are quite high, they can be categorized as industrial systems. The immersion equipment requires a 3-phase mains supply, 380-415V, 50 or 60 Hz. On the customer's side, it is necessary to ensure that the electrical network is in constant and reliable operation. For the US market we produce BiXBiT cells for 1 split-phase 240V, 60 Hz and racks for 3 phases 208V, 60 Hz mains supply types.
What is the noise level of a dry cooling tower?Noise levels at maximum cooling tower fan speeds can reach 80 dB near the cooling tower. At a distance of 10 meters from the dry cooling tower, the maximum noise level is less than 65 dB. Note: these levels occur only during hot seasons when the fans are operating at their full potential.
What is the maximum ambient temperature allowed for operation of the cooling tower?The heat dissipation capacity of our dry cooling towers is designed to operate at ambient air temperatures not exceeding +30C. Exceeding this temperature reduces the efficiency of the cooling tower, resulting in less heat dissipation.
Is it possible to remotely turn on/off the miners when using BiXBiT immersion systems?This function is optional and can be implemented by customer request.
Does BiXBiT provide installation services?We provide remote supervision of equipment installation: we create a shared chat or make a video call. Based on our practice, the installation instructions are sufficient to set up and start the system. However, equipment connection and start-up should only be carried out by qualified specialists in cooling and power supply. For larger projects upon individual agreement, on-site installation services are possible.
To which countries is delivery possible?Delivery is possible anywhere in the world via DHL Global Forwarding or other logistics companies that can work out a route to places where DHL / Fedex / UPS offices are not available.
Can a dry cooling tower be used indoors?The cooling tower must be installed in the open air outdoors and never indoors. The purpose of the cooling tower is to blow cool air through its own heat exchanger, which cools the hot liquid (antifreeze) of the immersion system's external circuit. The hot air is blown out into the atmosphere and the cooling tower continues to supply cool air through the heat exchanger. Given the large volume of required air for its cooling operation, if the cooling tower is placed indoors, the air will quickly heat up and the hot air will be supplied through the heat exchanger, resulting in overheating and shutdown of the immersion system.
Can different miner models be placed in a single cell?BiXBiT equipment is manufactured for a specific line of miners, which leads to technical differences between immersion system models. Therefore, a cell/rack for Antminer S17/S19 models will not be suitable for Whatsminer M2XS/M3XS/M5XS and vice versa due to differences in the miners' power supply, size and shape.
What is the expected air temperature in the room with the immersion equipment in operation?Excluding the room size and its heat loss, the room temperature will tend towards the temperature of the heated coolant, which is between 50 and 55C. Therefore, if such temperatures are uncomfortable, ventilation of the room should be considered.
How much is it possible to overclock the miners in your cooling system?The consumption of miners in BiXBiT immersion systems is limited to 5000 W per unit. Depending on the miner model, this limit corresponds to a performance increase of 30-50% of the default values.
What is the warranty period for BiXBiT products?The product warranty is 180 days from the date of delivery of the product to the customer.
How to calculate the cost of a BiXBIT container solution or customized terms for a large project?Simply send us an e-mail to sales@bixbit.io, answer a number of questions and get details regarding the cost calculation of large-scale projects, including container-based solutions.
What are the terms of payment?If the equipment is available and can be shipped right away from the warehouse - 100% prepayment. If it is necessary to manufacture the equipment, the standard payment condition is 70% prepayment and 30% payment after the production, before shipment.
Do you provide instructions on how to install and connect the equipment?After signing the delivery contract, the customer is provided with an installation manual with a complete sequence of actions for the start-up and maintenance of the system.
What actions are necessary to maintain the immersion system and how often should they be performed?В процессе эксплуатации регулярно производить проверку всех контактных соединений, в том числе визуальный осмотр, не реже одного раза в три месяца (зажатие винтов всех клеммных соединителей, контактов автоматических выключателей, магнитных пускателей и другой аналогичной аппаратуры в электрическом шкафу и в ячейках). Проводить проверку насоса ячейки и, при необходимости, его очистку. Также необходимо производить проверку и обслуживание внешнего контура охлаждения.
Is using a custom ASIC firmware from BiXBiT free?Our software for Antminer, Whatsminer is distributed for free. Please keep in mind that custom firmware includes Developers Fee, which is a reward for developers. Usually it is 1.8%-2.8% of the miner’s total hashrate which is automatically deducted during the work of the device.
Why the ASIC does not start after selecting a profile?At least once every three months it is necessary to check all contact connections (check tightness of screws of all terminal connectors, contacts of circuit breakers, magnetic starters and other similar devices in the electrical room and in cells). The pump of each cell should also be checked and cleaned if necessary. The external cooling circuit should be inspected and maintained in the same manner.
How to bypass the “Cannot Find Signature” message during the flashing process of the ASIC?Read our user manual for your specific miner version, it describes actions to eliminate this error, when it occurs.
Does the ASIC lose its warranty from the manufacturer when used with a custom firmware?There is no definite answer. To avoid warranty issues, please use the firmware from the manufacturer.
Is it risky to use the custom firmware for ASIC from BiXBiT?Absolutely not. All firmware revisions are thoroughly tested before each release. Moreover, all BiXBiT capacities have been running on these firmwares for many years.
Is BiXBiT AMS compatible with microprograms from other developers?No. Our automated monitoring system is only compatible with our software.
Is it possible to revert the ASIC back to its original settings after using a custom firmware?Yes, just bring back the official firmware in the usual way.
What level of knowledge is required to flash a miner?We have specially made instructions for every version of the miner. Everything is described in a simple and clear way, so even a beginner can handle it. Besides, you are always backed with our team of technicians who are always in touch and willing to help.