Home Firmwares WhatsMiner Series m3x

Firmware for ASIC WhatsMiner M3X series

The Whatsminer M30s firmware powered by BiXBiT is compatible with M30, M31, M32 models and provides overclocking up to ~130Th/s in best configuration conditions. User-friendly interface, plenty of useful features and software compatibility with the immersion type of cooling.

Installation guide
  • Hotel fee
  • Frequency
  • Downvolting
  • Proxy server
  • Immersion
  • Up-to-date
    device support
  • Overclocking
    with two
    hash boards
  • Affiliate
  • Technical support
  • Remote
    (coming soon)

Differences and fee

The firmware provides the best performance of power supply units, chip voltages and their clock frequencies. The performance increases by ~10% when using the device with three boards, and by 40% if using the dual-board configuration. Has a function of automatic power supply flashing for immersion cooling compatibility. The developer's fee is 2.8%.

Installation guide